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A Life Without Regrets

Our past is powerful. It’s where memories are made, lessons are learned and our testimony is formed. For many years, I punished myself for past decisions that embarrassed me or hurt the people I love. I would try to move past it, but I was frozen in time, unable to forgive myself. As soon as I thought I had moved on and was able to fully live in the present, there it was, looming over me, filling me with guilt, regret and fear. I was easily triggered by a picture, seeing an old friend or even watching a movie. Well into my 20’s, I still had thoughts of my poor choices consuming me. I had asked God for forgiveness at least a thousand times. But, I realized that I never forgave myself and it was robbing me of my joy. I was not only punishing myself for my past, but my inability to move beyond the pain and regret was preventing me from fully living in the present. I eventually learned that God forgave me the first time I asked and that freed me to let go and truly live. I never looked back. Instead, my past has become an important tool that God continues to use to sharpen my skills and prepare me for the mission He created me for.


Without embracing the lessons of our past, we will never be able to be fully present and definitely will not be able to step into the incredible future God has waiting for us. No matter what decisions you’ve made, there is no one mistake that is bigger than God. You simply can’t out-sin His love and grace. He swallows up the hurt, pain and guilt, and casts it into the ocean where it is forever forgotten. The key is YOU need to let it go and use the lessons to positively impact the world around you. Are you holding onto something from your past that is preventing you from living a life of joy today? Let it go here and now! Your testimony is one of the most powerful tools for you to learn from and inspire others with. Instead of being weighed down by shame and pain, use the lessons you’ve learned to thrust you into a future waiting for beautiful memories to be made. Strip off the shame and regret and leave them behind. Don’t look back. Live in the present, taking in all that God has given you filled with gratitude, joy and love. Keep your eyes focused upward, anxiously anticipating that God’s greatest blessings are just around the corner.


Psalm 103:11-12 (NLT) – For His unfailing love toward those who fear Him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.

Today’s Prayer:


Today I’m committed to moving beyond any past decisions I’ve made or circumstances that have caused pain and suffering. I will use my experiences to motivate me and inspire others to step into the future God has waiting. I fully grasp that I am a totally forgiven and loved daughter of my eternal father in heaven.

1 Comment
  • July 4, 2018

    I struggled for a long time with the mistakes my husband had made in the past. It took me a couple years to truly get past that, and it wasn’t even my experience! The devil is a schemer and certainly knows what bait will lure us. Thanks for this post, what a wonderful reminder of the freedom in Christ!